Free WiFi
Available inside and outside near the library building.
WiFi Network = SpencerLib-patron
Password = SpencerLibrary
Worcester Bus
Charitable Needs / Prouty Fund
The Charitable Needs Committee is responsible for the distribution of monies from the Melinda Prouty Harrington Fund. The fund was set up to provide a helping hand to the poor and indigent of the Town of Spencer. The committee has established a rule that applicants must reside in Spencer for at least 1 year.
The assistance is intended to be a one time payment to help the applicant pay an outstanding bill — i.e. rent, utilities. It operates on a voucher system. Once the committee approval is obtained, if the request is for food, the applicant is given a voucher which can then be presented at a supermarket to pay for groceries. If the request is for something other than food, the voucher is paid directly to a utility company. In the case of rent, the tenant must send a voucher to the landlord.
Phone: 508-885-9693
Charitable Needs Committee
157 Main St
Spencer, MA 01562
When: 1st Monday of the Month from September to June
Where: Lower Level in Town Hall
Time: 6:30pm
Driving Permit/Test
Driving Permit/Test Free online Resources
Drivers Permit Practice Tests (more tests located at bottom of Practice Test page)
You can also take the practice tests for the Motorcycle and CDL.
Financial Education Resources
Economic Empowerment for Every Stage of Your Financial Journey
Providing the tools and knowledge you need to achieve economic security now and in the future.
Early Education & Care
Families with young children can access a variety of services through Worcester Community Action Council (WCAC) programs designed to link parents to community resources, to advocate for parent needs and address gaps in services, and to offer quality childcare and educational opportunities for infants through age 5, through Early Head Start and Head Start.
MASSCAP Member Community Action Agencies (CAAs) provides a range of programs to help Massachusetts individuals and families across the state.
People often come to Worcester Community Action Council (WCAC) to apply for one program – for instance, to enroll their child in Head Start or to receive Fuel Assistance to stay warm in winter. Most qualify for more, but don’t know it!
WIC is a nutrition program that provides healthy foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and referrals to healthcare and other services, free of charge, to Massachusetts families who qualify.
First-time parents, who are age 20 and under, may receive home visits and attend parent groups from pregnancy through their child’s third birthday through Women, Infant and children (WIC) program.
Local contact:
East Brookfield WIC Program
367 Main Street, East Brookfield, MA 01515
Phone: 508- 867-0364

Community Connections Wachusett CFCE
A grant program funded by the Department of Early Education and Care.
The primary goal of our grant is to reach and serve families that may need resources and referrals before entering Kindergarten. Our programs are grant funded through the Early Education and Care Department (EEC,) and we serve the nine towns of Sterling, Princeton, Rutland, Paxton, Holden, Spencer, Leicester, and North and East Brookfield.
Many families do not attend preschool, so having free programming is a great way to get to know these families and support them in any way we can. The grant also serves as a resource and referral agency. Some of the things that we have helped with include, but are not limited to: getting childcare vouchers, recommendations for local pediatricians, dentists, and eye doctors. We also supply tools and tips for potty training and developing early literacy skills needed before entering Kindergarten. We also have access to and provide referrals for early intervention services, as well as, family support systems such as WIC, financial training for parents, parenting classes, parent resources, etc., to name a few.
Massachusetts General Hospital Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds
The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds at Massachusetts General Hospital is a free, practical, online educational resource dedicated to promoting and supporting the mental, emotional, and behavioral well-being of children, teens, and young adults.
This site has videos, articles and resources geared to adults who care about children and young adults mental health issues.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Literacy Volunteers of South Central Massachusetts
The office of Literacy Volunteers of South Central Mass is now OPEN! If you have any questions please reach out to us at anytime. Contact emails: or
There are many online resources available here.
Individual, one-on-one tutoring has resumed. Literacy Volunteers of South Central Massachusetts (Located in Southbridge) provides FREE individual, one-on-one, tutoring. You and a tutor schedule a convenient place to meet. In addition to one-to-one tutoring, there is a Literacy Cafe at the Jacob Edwards Library, 236 Main Street, Southbridge, MA 01550 Literacy Café (a drop-in English language conversation group) Mondays, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m Thursdays, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Literacy Volunteers of Greater Worcester
Individual, one-on-one tutoring has resumed.
Call Worcester Public Library: 508-754-8056 ext. 1
Resources for Students
Transparent Languages offers an English immersion course and English courses for speakers of more than 30 languages, including Dari, Pashto, and Ukrainian. Oxford Dictionaries for English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Russian provide word-to-word translations, grammar and usage notes, and audio files so you can improve your pronunciation. Learning Express Library can help you prepare for exams including the HiSET/GED, TOEFL, and the citizenship exam. Ofrece herramientas de aprendizaje, carrera y ciudadanía en español.
Tumble Book Library includes hundreds of animated, narrated picture books to practice listening and reading.
Food Stamps (SNAP) & Pantry
SNAP (formerly Food Stamps)
Need help buying healthy food? To get SNAP, you must be low-income and be a U.S. citizen or legal noncitizen (restrictions apply). Eligibility for SNAP benefits depends on financial and nonfinancial criteria. Find out if you are eligible and apply here. Scroll down the page.
MASSCAP Member Community Action Agencies (CAAs) provides a range of programs to help Massachusetts individuals and families across the state. People often come to Worcester Community Action Council (WCAC) to apply for one program – for instance, to enroll their child in Head Start or to receive Fuel Assistance to stay warm in winter. Most qualify for more, but don’t know it!
Food Pantry in Spencer
Mary Queen of the Rosary Food Pantry
- Address: 60 Maple St. Spencer, MA 01562
Days the Food Pantry is Open.
Doors open at 8:00 am. Registration begins at 9:30 am. Clients must arrive before 11:00 am in order to be served that day. Unless there is an emergency situation, clients are expected to come only ONCE / month for food. Clients may come weekly to get bread and pastry. There is no need to take a number; tell a volunteer what you need.
Food pantry is open 1 evening / month for men and women who WORK FULL-TIME. This is NOT an alternative serving time. Pick up must be between 4:30 pm and 6:00 pm. Call the pantry for more information 508-885-3111 ext 110 or check the Mary Queen of the Rosary website.
All Clients
- You are expected to read the notices on the bulletin board each visit to the Food Pantry.
- You MUST supply your own bags. Please bring additional plastic bags. If you are able, help others at the pantry that need assistance.
- We NEED your help and cooperation.
- We are an all-volunteer staff and as such, we do not have the capacity to make deliveries. If you can get to the pantry, but need a ride home, we will make arrangements.
- The volunteers at the pantry lift and move at least 200 tons of food a year.
Stormy Weather
Please remember that the Pantry is NOT open WHEN school is cancelled due to the weather.
Fuel, Transitional & Legal Assistance
Fuel Assistance
Known commonly as Fuel Assistance, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program provides eligible households with help in paying a portion of winter heating bills.
Local contact:
Worcester Community Action Council, Inc. (WCAC)
484 Main Street, 2nd Floor
Worcester , MA 01608
508-754-1176 x110 – Worcester
MASSCAP Member Community Action Agencies (CAAs) provides a range of programs to help Massachusetts individuals and families across the state.
People often come to Worcester Community Action Council (WCAC) to apply for one program – for instance, to enroll their child in Head Start or to receive Fuel Assistance to stay warm in winter. Most qualify for more, but don’t know it!
Transitional Services
The Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) assists and empowers low-income individuals and families to meet their basic needs, improve their quality of life, and achieve long term economic self-sufficiency. Employment and training resources for Department of Transitional Assistance clients are also available.
DTA Southbridge Transitional Assistance Office (full service office)
1 North Street, Southbridge, MA 01550
Economic Assistance (cash benefits)
The Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) offers economic assistance (cash benefits) programs to help families and individuals meet basic needs.
If you need help making ends meet, you can apply for economic assistance (cash benefits) through the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA). DTA offers 3 economic assistance programs: Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC), Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled, and Children (EAEDC), and the State Supplement Program (SSP). The benefits include 2 monthly payments, health insurance, and employment support while you work to get back on your feet.
Free Legal Answers
Mass Legal Help is available for low-income Massachusetts residents. You can create an account on the secure website, then login and post your legal questions. Volunteer lawyers answer the questions through the same website. There is no charge to use this service. People can access the site from anywhere that they have internet access, including smart phones. All information is confidential.
Health & Medical
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Toll-free phone number 1-800-370-9085 to call for information on how to navigate the mental healthcare system. This helpline assists thousands of people access the services they need.
Information about medications, health topics (including surgeries) and health issue videos.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides information on diseases, healthy living, travelers’ health, emergency preparedness and more.
Choosing Wisely
This site contains materials developed in partnership with medical specialty societies to help patients understand and talk to their medical professionals about medical tests, screenings, medications and treatments.
Tuck Sleep Foundation
Tuck Sleep Foundation is a community devoted to improving sleep hygiene, health and wellness through the creation and dissemination of comprehensive, unbiased, free web-based resources. Tuck has been featured on NBC News, NPR, Lifehacker, and Radiolab and is referenced by many colleges/universities and sleep organizations across the web.
Worcester Public Library Health Resources
This site contains many site resources that pertain to health. The resources include COVID, general health, mental health & substance abuse, pregnancy, alternative medicine, health coverage, drug information, diseases…
Fun Things To Do
Common Ground
Common Ground Land Trust, Inc. is an all-volunteer, private non-profit organization. They are dedicated to open space protection in the towns of Spencer and Leicester. Find many places to walk, bike and hike in Spencer and Leicester.
Last Green Valley
Last Green Valley events (many are free), located in Central MA and Eastern CT. Events are available for adults.
Registry of Motor Vehicles
Registry of Motor Vehicles
Visit the RMV’s Online Service Center for over 30 transactions that can be completed online and skip the trip to the RMV. If you need to visit the RMV, Get Ready Online first.
Senior Citizens Resources
Check out NCOA’s Falls Free CheckUp,
Calcium Health Calculator
Medicaid Long Term Care Information
The Dementia Action Alliance recently released a comprehensive resource called “Pathways to Wellbeing with Dementia: A Manual of Help, Hope and Inspiration” which offers essential information about living well with dementia by people living with dementia, care partners and leading dementia specialists. This in-depth how-to manual provides essential information about living with dementia from 48 people living with dementia, care partners, and leading dementia specialists. The manual is written primarily for the person living with dementia. It is also useful to a much wider audience, including care partners, family, friends, neighbors, advocates, community supporters, faith groups, service providers, healthcare practitioners, policymakers, researchers,
and academics.
“Print disabled:” Blind, Visually Impaired or Dyslexic Services
Perkins Library
For people who are “print disabled,” that is, blind, visually impaired or dyslexic, the Perkins School for the Blind offers a Braille and Talking Book Library. The Library provides free public library services for anyone who needs them. This service is free of charge to registered patrons.
In addition to over 75,000 digital and Talking Book Player titles, 20,000 braille titles, 100 audio and braille magazines, and 12,000 large print books, the Library offers audio-described VHS and DVD movies, downloadable books and magazines, a braille awareness kit, museum passes, and instructional music materials. Perkins has a reference librarian available to answer your research questions. Materials are also available in over 60 languages.
Through Newsline™ you can listen to the newspaper, magazines, TV listings, and job announcements over the telephone, online, downloaded to an approved portable device, or via email.
The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and the Perkins School for the Blind provide funding. Books and equipment are provided to us through our partnership with the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled of the Library of Congress. Funds are also appropriated by Congress for “Free Matter for the Blind” mailing classification.
Perkins School for the Blind
175 North Beacon Street
Watertown, MA 02472
Phone, 617-924-3434
Worcester Talking Book Library
The Worcester Talking Book Library provides free services to Massachusetts residents of any age who are unable to read traditional print materials due to a visual or physical disability.
The Worcester Talking Book Library has access to more than 1.2 million volumes of material, including digital books, large type, described videos, braille, and 100 magazine titles in recorded and braille format. They also provide a variety of music materials in braille, audio, and large print formats through the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled.
Membership includes an easy-to-use audio player for books. Alternatively, patrons may download books to their tablet or phone using the BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download) app. Check out this YouTube video describing the services. Worcester Talking Book Library application. New Talking Book Library Pamphlet 2022.
Worcester Public Library
3 Salem Square, Worcester, MA 01608-2015
1-800-762-0085 (In State) or 508-799-1730
Spencer Council on Aging
*File of Life *Fuel Assistance *Healthcare Proxy *SNAP (food stamps) *HIPAA Release Forms *MassHealth Info and forms *Homestead Act *Mass Health Buy In *TriValley Elder Services *Help with Medicare *SCM Elderbus *S.H.I.N.E. (Serving the Health Info Needs of Elders) *Prescription Advantage
Meals on Wheels
A nutritious meal delivered by a friendly driver is much more than sustenance. It goes a long way in helping maintain independence. Meals on Wheels are provided short-term or long-term to homebound elders age 60 and older who are unable to prepare a nutritionally balanced meal for themselves. Cold evening meals and frozen weekend meals are also available for clients who have no other resources. Meals are delivered between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays.
There are no income guidelines for Meals on Wheels and no fee for the service but we do ask for a donation to help to pay for the program. The suggested donation amount of $3.00 per meal is reflected in a monthly donation statement. However, we never deny anyone a meal if they can’t afford to donate.
Meals on Wheels is located at Howe Village Housing Authority. Call to sign up: 508-885-3904. Meals can be delivered to your home 5 days per week. Call the number listed above for more information, and a reservation for meals.
NOTE: During the COVID-19 Pandemic meals will not be served at Howe Village.
SNAP / Food Stamps
Need help buying healthy food? To get SNAP, you must be low-income and be a U.S. citizen or legal noncitizen (restrictions apply). Eligibility for SNAP benefits depends on financial and nonfinancial criteria. Find out if you are eligible and apply here.
People often come to Worcester Community Action Council (WCAC) to apply for one program – for instance, to enroll their child in Head Start or to receive Fuel Assistance to stay warm in winter. Most qualify for more, but don’t know it! Fill in the short form to learn which of the more than 10 WCAC programs and services might be of help to you and your family. We look forward to connecting with you! A special phone line is available for SNAP Seniors and their assisting persons/organizations: 1-833-712-8027.
Helpful Websites for Senior Citizens
Lots of current website information for seniors.
Online Safety During COVID-19: What Older Adults Need to Know
National Council for Aging Care
The health insurance that begins at age 65…
This site has information on getting medical prescription coverage, food assistance and lots more.
22 Senior Health Risk Calculators for Healthy Aging
Lots of info on all topics for information and resources for aging seniors.
Health & You: Seniors & Swimming
Living a quality life in the early stage of dementia is a choice. These resources help empower you to take steps to live well for as long as possible, find the confidence to face challenges ahead, and ensure you have a voice in how you live your best life with dementia.
This organization is dedicated to providing senior living assistance to the elderly. Senior Guidance provides a number of helpful resources and articles on aging, senior care, mental health, dementia, Alzheimer’s, care-giving and more.
Eldercare Locator is a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connecting you to services for older adults and their families.
Reporting Nursing Home Abuse Center
The IRS encourages everyone to use the Tax Withholding Estimator to perform a quick “paycheck checkup.” The Tax Withholding Estimator helps you identify your tax withholding to make sure you have the right amount of tax withheld from your paycheck.
Tax Forms & Help Filing Taxes Online
- Download printable federal forms.
- File your Federal return online
- Download printable MA forms.
- File your MA return online
- You may be eligible for assistance from Volunteer Income Tax Assistance VITA or Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE)
- Find a paid professional tax preparer
- Tax Information for senior citizens & retirees
Spencer MA Town Website
Voting Information
Your Voters Guide Vote 411
See who is going to be on your ballot, what they stand for, compare candidates and more.
State of Massachusetts Voting Requirements & Information
General information, election dates and deadlines, ID requirements, eligibility requirements and more.
General Resources on Voting and Elections
Many websites to help you with all things related to voting/elections.
More Services at the Library
- Library Home Delivery Service (Free home delivery service is available to the home-bound in Spencer. Homebound patrons are able to request books and have items delivered to their homes once a week. For questions call the Library (508-885-7513 x 1).
- The Richard Sugden Library, Spencer, collects non-perishable items for the Mary Queen of the Rosary Church Food Pantry.
- Eyeglass Donation Center (The library accepts donations of eyeglasses for the Spencer Lions Club).
- Chromebooks (Laptops) available for use in the Library.
- Quiet Study Room allows up to 6 people. The room is available on a first come first served basis.